Have you ever wished you could create custom type effects, elaborate blends and Bezier curves without leaving the familiar QuarkXPress interface? SXetch Pad™, an exciting XTension from DataStream Imaging Systems, Inc., lets you create open and closed Bezier curves, polygonal shapes and wrap text to a curve. Additionally, you can fill closed objects with a multicolour blend, and convert Type 1 PostScript® fonts into editable outlines. And all SXetch Pad's functions use QuarkXPress' built-in trapping capabilities.
SXetch Pad adds a new tool to the tool palette, along with a floating palette which includes ten custom tools. The SXetch Tool on the Tool Palette permits creation of SXetch Boxes, within which all the tools on the floating palette are used. The Arrow Tool allows you to select, resize and move objects in SXetch Pad. This tool is similar to the Item and Content tools in XPress. The Rotate Tool allows you to rotate selected objects in a SXetch Box about any selected point. It operates in the same fashion as the QuarkXPress Rotate Tool. The Text Tool isused to enter text, while the Rectangle Tool permits creation of rectangular and square objects. The Oval Tool, Polygon Tool and Line Tool all provide the ability to create those familiar elements as editable objects. The Curve Tool allows users to create freehand Bezier curves using the same paradigm as many vector graphics applications. There is also a Scissors Tool for cutting an object into two objects or to open closed curve objects.
Since SXetch Pad utilizes many of the same commands used in XPress, you can be productive immediately. Elements are shown in a "preview" mode so you'll know as you create an item whether it's right for your design. All items created with SXetch Pad can be modified or coloured just like normal XPress objects. But this product takes colour further with one step multicoloured blends. A Blend dialog box provides a Color List, a Color Range Scale, a Blend Type popup menu (offering Linear or Radial blends) and a blend Angle field. A particularly cool feature is the Blend Preview Area which displays your multicolour masterpiece in the Blend dialog before you apply it.
SXetch Pad also brings flexibility to display type. Place type on a curved path and even edit the curve after the text is in place. You can convert type to outline curves and fill individual letters with a single colour or multicolour blend. Fill closed curve objects with colour and Join them to create dynamic composite paths that can frame any text or imported graphic already on the page. Since all SXetch objects become part of your XPress document, there are less files to track and SXetch objects are much smaller than a corresponding EPS file. Individual SXetch Boxes can also be exported as EPS files for future use.